Photo by Angela Bond


At Café Corazón we are proud to be one of the only cafes in the United States and the only one in the midwest to serve a wide variety of yerba mate brands from Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and southern Brazil in the traditional way. Yerba Mate has the caffeine strength of coffee, the health benefits of tea, and the joy of chocolate. We love yerba mate and want to share the love with all of you.

What is Yerba Mate?

Yerba mate, pronounced yer-ba máh-tay, is an herbal tea made from the leaves and twigs of the Ilex Paraguariensis plant. Indigenous people from South America have used it for centuries as a social and medical beverage. 

Yerba mate is traditionally consumed from a gourd called a “mate” and sipped with a metal straw called a “bombilla” that has a filter at its lower end to strain out the leaf fragments.


How to Prepare

The 3 tools you need for drinking yerba mate are a hollow gourd (mate), a thermos, and a bombilla (metal straw) which has a screened filter on the end to keep out the leaves. The gourds can be made from a hollowed calabash gourd or wood, glass, ceramic, or silicone.

1. Fill the bottom third of the mate with yerba mate leaves. Tilt the gourd until the tea covers the side and almost reaches the top.

2. Pour hot (or cold if terere) into the bottom half of the drink. 140-158 degrees is best if served hot.

3. Wait a minute until the yerba mate leaves absorb the water.

4. Put the filtered end of the bombilla (straw) into the tea at an angle.

5. Pour your mate, drink, and then pour and pass to the next person. It can be topped off several times before using new leaves for a new batch.

Yerba mate is often served with sugar or honey in the water or yerba. Lemon juice, peppermint (dry or fresh), as well as citrus fruits, can also be added to the water to flavor the yerba.

Health Benefits of Yerba Mate

Rich in Antioxidants and Nutrients

Xanthines - Stimulants like caffeine and theobromine, which are also found in tea, coffee, and chocolate are present in yerba mate.

Caffeoyl derivatives - antioxidants that protect cells from free radicals.

Saponins - bitter compounds that are anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering.

Polyphenols -antioxidants, linked to a reduced risk of many diseases.

Essential amino acids and almost every vitamin and mineral needed by the human body are prevalent in yerba mate.

Boosts Energy and Improves Mental Focus

Yerba mate has 85 mg of caffeine per cup which is less caffeine than coffee but more than tea. This increases energy levels and helps to signal molecules in the brain that increase mental focus. It enhances alertness but has no jittery side effects.

Enhanced Physical Performance

Caffeine is also known to enhance physical performance. Yerba mate increases your body’s reliance on fat for fuel during exercise.

Protects Against Infections

Yerba mate may help prevent infections from bacteria, parasites, and fungi.

Helps Lose Weight and Belly Fat

Yerba mate may reduce appetite and boost metabolism, which can help with weight loss. It can increase the amount of stored fat that's burned for energy.

Boosts the Immune System

Yerba mate contains saponins, which have anti-inflammatory properties. It also has vitamin C, E, zinc, and selenium.

Lowers Blood Sugar Levels

Yerba mate may improve insulin signaling and blood sugar control.

Lower the Risk of Heart Disease

Yerba mate contains antioxidant compounds, such as caffeoyl derivatives and polyphenols, which may protect against heart disease. It also reduces LDL cholesterol levels.